I have developed a process that is very easy for people to remember:


It is very simple, yet I see students violating it almost daily.


1.Establish, in your head, the pulse of the piece you are about to play.
2.Once the pulse is established, gauge your breath in relation to the pulse.
3.Breath over a greater span than you have been used to breathing.
4.Create sound immediately at the end of the breath with no hesitation

Once you get into this habit it becomes automatic and playing becomes much easier. The slow deep, quiet breath is our friend. Establishing the pulse keeps us from straying into hesitation. Aim and fire. Pull back the string a long ways before releasing the slow-motion arrow.

Something to remember:

Our exhalations tend to mirror our inhalations. A tight, fast, inhalation frequently produces a fast, tight exhalation. Keep it slow, deep and easy.