
My favorite bumper sticker:

“Dear God, Please make me the person my dog thinks I am.”

Dogs have been a part of my entire life. Dogs breeze in and out…leaving lasting contributions then depart, leaving memories. In my opinion there are no bad dogs, just bad owners.

The dogs I remember:
At my parents’ house:

Simon- The Doberman who used to sit with his butt on the couch and front feet on the floor.

Abigail the Bassett Hound that walked so slowly that she nearly accumulated moss…of course, unless she was chasing the neighbor’s chickens.

Puff the stray who was found with one eye completely covered by matted hair. They were quite a threesome…Simon, Abigail and Puff.

Gus- The first Yorkie…died mysteriously…not sure why.

Bobby- The next Yorkie…not quite sure why my parents opted for this breed. Lots of work keeping the hair clean and brushed.

Cissy- Bitch for Bobby. They had a total of one puppy.

DD- Yup. Damn Dog. A Fox Terrier that had too much energy for us. We found her a new home. Great personality but demanded more than we had to give.

GG- Garbage Gut. A short, long mutt of some sort. Loved to eat.

Sean- The golden lab who was a gentle giant

Ernie- The Border Collie from up the road who adopted us. I really don’t understand people who get dogs and don’t take care of them.

At my house:

Samson- Ridgeback mix. One of the worst days of my life was putting him down. He had bone cancer and the pain got to be unmanageable for him. He was depending on me to make the call. It was devastating.

Daisy- Samson’s littermate, a Border Collie mix and my current co-dependent.

Emma- Daisy’s pal, a beautiful red mix of some sort…sad eyes…maybe a Rottweiler, Ridgeback mix of some sort.

I have lots of dog you might imagine. I strike up a kinship with nearly everyone I meet. When Daisy and Emma go, I am not sure if I’ll ever have another.