Fugit irreparabile tempus
The story of life.
One of subjects of which I often speak:
Time is our most precious resource. Once it is gone, it is gone. Consume it wisely.
The concept seems lost on the young as they surely have a lifetime to experience and accomplish. Few warn us that life often goes by so quickly that youth slips away, all while waiting for something to happen. My advice? Don’t wait for it to happen. MAKE it happen! Live aggressively! Take control! It is your life. You are responsible for your successes and your failures. Concept: personal accountability. We are all too quick to blame others for our shortcomings. Too bad we aren’t as quick to credit others for our triumphs. It’s human nature but is doesn’t preclude us from being better. Remember, those who do not evolve become extinct.
Once people reach their fifties, they often recognize that the life ahead is shorter that the life past. It is not a bad or sad realization. Certain things do take on greater significance…what will I leave behind? Others take on less significance…gotta update the website. When one is busy doing, one seldom has the time to write about it. I do not take the time to update this site very often. It is also why I have no time for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et al. I simply choose to not spend my time in that way. I strive to invest my time, not spend it. I have accomplished wonderful things in my life and I am so focused in continuing that path. There is much to accomplish. My mind is working constantly on ideas for projects. Some are in the works.
The time you have taken to read this will never again be. Go DO something!